Current Newsletter: Fall 2011

Greeting Friends,

We're always looking for better ways to report on our work so that you know how your prayers are being answered and how the money you invest in us is being used.

Too often though our reports become more of a travelogue so to add some life to these updates, we asked a variety of friends to ask us questions that they'd like to see answered in our reports.

We gladly received more questions than we can deal with here in this update - so we'll respond to other questions later. We also received some suggestions that we're not likely to follow - like producing Paul & Christie bobble-head dolls that you can put on your dashboard to remind you to pray for us as you drive!

The questions generally fell into three categories: 1) personal questions about life, marriage, health, etc.; 2) ministry impact questions about what we see as the transformational results in the lives of the leaders in whom we invest ourselves; and 3) global perspective questions about what lessons we want to communicate to the USA church about God at work in the world. Let's get started!

Personal. Do you ever feel afraid in some of the difficult areas you travel to? The short answer: YES. There are definitely times we feel afraid - whether we're together or apart. In September, on the drive from Lagos to Ibadan (Nigeria) for a DAI MA training week, the car transporting Paul had a flat tire - in the dark - in a very remote section of a notoriously dangerous road (known for robberies). I (Paul) felt afraid so I texted Christie so that she would pray - "Flat tire; please pray" - thus making her afraid.

How do you see God meet you in those times? Obviously we prayed, but God met us by reminding us of all the people who told us that they were praying for this trip. (Note to readers: when you communicate to us that you're praying for us, it helps us sense that we are not alone!) Paul prayed through his favorite verse - Isaiah 41:10 - and remembered God's promised presence. Christie drew on Philippians 4:6-7 - 'don't be anxious; pray about everything.'

The driver changed the flat tire without incident and we arrived in Ibadan safely. A week after Paul got home, he got a message from one of our prayer team partners telling us that she had felt special compulsion to pray for our safety. When we compared timing, she sensed the urgency to pray at exactly the same time we had the flat tire!

Ministry Impact. What motivates you both to keep training/ministering with DAI? By far it's the amazing privilege of working with leaders who will accomplish things for the Kingdom of Christ that we could never do. We think of our colleagues training Christian leaders in the Middle East. Or we celebrate the Nepali leaders touching dozens of cultures in the Himalayan region.

How has seeing leader's lives transformed shaped your ministry at DAI? First, we realize that God has called us alongside our colleagues as partners and friends. We've grown together with friends like DAI colleagues Reuben & Bosede Ezemadu who we first met in 1987. Or IFES colleagues Femi and Affy Adeleye who we met in 1991. Through our many DAI contacts, we've had the privilege of praying with other global colleagues through national conflicts in Cote d'Ivoire and personal conflicts in their families. The people we work with come from highly relational cultures, and we've learned that walking together, eating together, and spending time together is the foundation of everything we do in DAI.

A second observation about seeing leader's lives transformed that has shaped our ministry is the realization that God has given us the ability to be "transformation catalysts." We don't always know the direct impact of the seeds that we plant, but we realize that through teaching, spiritual direction, training and facilitating, God has used us to introduce ideas that bear fruit later. When we get James' newsletter regarding his mission outreach to Tibetans, or we hear about Jack taking one of the most significant leadership positions in Palestine, or we get Joel and Karen's newsletter from Burkina Faso, we celebrate. James was our student in Manila 10 years ago. Jack took a class with Paul in 1998, became a classmate in 2002, and hosted a DAI training in Palestine/Israel in 2005. And Joel and Karen were in mission classes when they studied at Gordon College. We celebrate not because we are so significant in these leaders' lives but because perhaps we were used by God as catalysts for His transforming vision in their lives.

Global Perspective. Given all of your diverse travels, if you could change one thing about how the Church views/engages in missions, what would you change? We want to encourage the church in North America to discover where God is moving and go there - whether it's with James the Filipino going to the Tibetan people or Fred the Nigerian serving in Cote d'Ivoire or with traditional Western missionaries teaching in Burkina Faso. And where is God going? The mass migrations of people and the globalization of the mission force means that there are many new streams of witness in the world. Ministry in New Zealand in November or Ghana in December is not just an investment in these young leaders and those countries. It's for the places these students will go in the world - like Laos or China or North Africa.

UPCOMING SCHEDULE HIGHLIGHTS: our travel and ministry schedule through the end of December is now posted at http://www.borthwicks.org/calendar.phpa> but we'd especially appreciate your prayers for:

  • November 13-20: ministry together at the student leadership conference of IFES-New Zealand, "Mission Without Borders" (http://tscf.org.nz/events/slc_2011_mission_without_borders)
  • December 16-21: Paul speaking at the "Student Mission Awareness Conference" of IFES - Ghana
  • NEW: December 25: Preaching the morning services at Grace Chapel
  • NEW: December 30: DAI/Borthwick Team information meeting in southern, NH. If you want to know more, contact us.

We deeply value your prayers, and we are always grateful for your financial support. If you'd like to join us in financial partnership, tax-deductible contributions designated "Borthwick Support" can be made online through DAI or checks can be made payable and sent to:

Development Associates International
P.O. Box 49278
Colorado Springs, CO 80949

We always thank God for you!

Paul & Christie