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Borthwick Update
April 2007
Two Rejoicings and a Request

Greetings friends and supporters,

REJOICE! IT'S EASTER – time to rejoice at the truth of the awesome uniqueness of Jesus Christ, His sacrifice for our sins, and His resurrection victory over death. To enhance your Easter rejoicing personally or in your household, we’d encourage you to visit an amazing sermon about our amazing savior by Shadrach Meshach Lockridge entitled "That's My King."

You can watch a 7-minute version it at:


Scroll down and choose your downloading option.

OR... there's a 3-minute version with a little more liturgical pictures at:


You can find the text at:


REJOICE #2: GRADUATION COMING! Rejoice with us as we finish school. We're long overdue in writing a report concerning the first months of 2007. Thank you for praying with us in spite of our silence. As you may surmise from the brief prayer reminder we sent earlier in 2007, much of our attention has been devoted to completing our studies. We're just now coming up for air after an intense few months. Christie is on the home stretch towards her M.A. in counseling, with a few papers left before classes officially end April 30th. And Paul, after finishing, revising, defending, revising, and finally submitting his doctoral dissertation (which has been accepted) is ready to "walk" with Christie at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary on May 12th 2007. REJOICE WITH US.

REQUEST: TRAVELS & CHALLENGES AHEAD. With school almost completed and graduation in sight, the travel schedule begins to intensify again – with five international ministry trips coming between April and August! Please look at the Travel Schedule, and please join us in these ministries through your prayers.

We always thank God for your partnership with us.

In Christ,

Christie & Paul

A NOTE ABOUT FINANCES: with increased international ministry ahead comes increased expense. If you'd like to join us in financial partnership, tax-deductible contributions (designated "Borthwick Support") can be made payable and sent to:

Development Associates International
P.O. Box 49278
Colorado Springs, CO 80949

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